So, what's been happening this week... not much.
Last weekend the car got serviced, so we cleaned the apartment thoroughly. Moved things off the floor to mop the hardwood etc. which in all took a few hours. But enough about cleaning.
Mike and I have been trying to find a tower that we can see from our windows here, and can't find it. The search took us to Google Maps with no joy. So, I fired up Google Earth. No luck either. But, Google Earth did show me something interesting - street view has been done heavily around the area where you all live. My parents house, Mil's place and Matt's place are all visible with street view. And, as an added bonus, Goldenboy is outside Matt's place. That was the shock of the week.
Yesterday was Thursday which means softball. We lost. Oh well. I took 2 outfield catches and had 3 RBIs. I got out off base twice - I really need to learn to slide so that I stop over running them. That, or remember that I can just run for the next base instead of letting them tag me.
On the way home from the game a deer was running around on the road not far from where we live. Then, when we got home, our neighbor told us that 3 raccoons were running around in our backyard. They hopped the wall into the neighbors yard while we were watching them. I knew that raccoons were around the neighborhood (seen them as road kill), but it was cool to see a group of them together, alive.
And, the wonders of nature, laying in bed going to sleep last night, doors and windows open for fresh air, take a breath in, skunk.
I can't believe that tomorrow will be August... and Saturday.
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