Thursday, April 22, 2010


What do you do when you yell out pretty much the entire content of your post in the title?

Oh, yeah. I could provide details. Q&A style.

You saw a groundhog?

Yes, yes I did.



When did you see this groundhog?

I saw the groundhog at approximately 1:15PM, US Eastern Daylight Savings time.

Are you lying about seeing a groundhog?


Then where did you see the groundhog?

I saw it at work. It was outside. It was at roughly 41°02'27.44"N 73°31'52.28"W.

Did you download Google Earth or something like that to get that specific about the location?


Was anyone with you when you saw the groundhog?

Yes. Mike was there.

What did you do when you saw the groundhog?

I said "Dude, what's that?" then Mike said "What, the groundhog?" I responded with "That's a groundhog? But I've never seen a groundhog!" then I ran down the path to see where the groundhog went - it was sitting next to some rocks. As I got closer it went into the rocks, presumably to hide from me.

Do you think you will ever see the groundhog again?

Perhaps. I think things went well this time, so I'd like to hope so.

Did you have a camera with you?

No... but here's a file photo. It looked like this.

File photo? Why should we even believe you saw a groundhog?


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