Sunday, April 11, 2010

Circle of life moment...

Yesterday Tiff and Ben came down and I was showing Ben the apartment because he hadn't been here before. I was showing him upstairs and we were out on the upstairs deck when Liz joined us. Her keen eye picked up a Red-Tailed Hawk in a tree in the neighbor's yard. We watched it for a second, as it scratched and pecked away at a nest. We continued watching - not sure if we were witnessing a hawk building a nest or tearing one apart. Out of nowhere a squirrel ran up the tree and towards the hawk. The hawk looked at it and hopped towards it - the squirrel scampered back to the ground (30 - 40 feet/10 metres) below, and we had our answer.

The hawk started tearing at the nest with renewed vigor. Exposing what it wanted, we heard the squeal of baby squirrel(s). Grabbing some in it's talons, the hawk took flight, the flapping of wings and the squealing of a baby squirrel in it's talons moving across the adjoining yards.

The hawk, moments before breaking through to demonstrate nature's take-away

After a minute the adult squirrel came back to the nest, very tentatively. When it realized the hawk was gone, it crept to the nest and stood next to it - that made Liz sad.


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