Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day

Happy St Patrick's Day from Tea Dog McGillicutty (and baconisgreat, I suppose)!

Tea Dog lives here at the office, on the divider between Mike's cube and mine. He came to Mike from a box of tea. After Christmas he was guarded either side, Palpatine style, by his Red Guard, who were actually chocolate Santa Clauses. Unfortunately, some time in February, the Red Guard ranks were decimated by a hungry Jim. They had sustained heavy damage in their defense of Tea Dog, one had a fractured back, the other had a collapsed skull, but still they stood tall in their foil armor.

Tea Dog's main purpose, aside from adding some character between cubes, is to show how fragile life can be. Standing atop the spinning blades of death and copper heat sink of doom (old processor cooling system), Tea Dog smiles in the face of certain disaster. He reminds everyone who walks by that a slight misstep in any direction could see you hitting those spinning blades, and even if you miss those blades, that copper heat sink is still there waiting to slice you up.

He's a leprachaun, so he's therefore Irish. He smiles a lot during a life of purpose and originally smelled slightly of tea. He is Tea Dog (T.D.) McGillicutty.

We are still powerless at home, hopefully that will change today or tomorrow... there are now less than 10% of CL&P customers in Stamford without power, so we're deep in the minority. I wouldn't care if we didn't have cable/tv, computers, internet and stuff like that for a little while longer (though there is new South Park tonight, FlashForward returns tomorrow and Clone Wars is new on Friday...), but I do miss warm water.

This morning was pretty cool - literally at the apartment (47F/8C degrees inside), and figuratively when we saw Crazy Hat Man walking down the street for the first time in a long time. He was wearing really bright shorts (I could best describe them as "Hawaiian shorts"), a just below waist length coat, and black business socks, pulled right up to the knee. He had the headgear on, of course, the bat wings I believe. He completed the outfit with a cigarette hanging limply from his mouth.


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