Sunday, September 12, 2010

Trying to stay awake

This weekend has been a bit weird in the sleeping stakes - I daresay due to the fact that night time is what was day time for a few weeks. Yesterday we woke up at the somewhat sensible hour of 10 (alarm was set for 9) so that we could return the car we hired to get home from the airport and do the grocery shopping. After some initial fatigue neither of us were tired; I was even OK at 1:30-ish when we eventually went to bed.

Once I was asleep though was when the real weirdness kicked in. I kept having bizarre dreams in which I was injured or killed.

In the first dream Liz and I were walking home and some kids started following us. They followed us all the way home then started banging on our door telling us that they wanted to come in. Eventually they smashed the door in and beat me with bats or something. Then the dream ended.

In the second dream my parents were having some people over for lunch. While we were waiting for people to arrive a riot broke out in front of their house. The house wasn't the one they live in in real life. People started to arrive, then this guy I have never seen before walked in through the door. I was watching the riot from a window and turned when he entered. I didn't recognize him, so I asked him who he was. He answered that his name was Richard Kadum. When I said my parents didn't know anyone named that, he kicked me backwards under a table, pulled out a gun and shot me.

In the third dream I was with someone else, a guy, I don't know who, and we were being chased by a predator, like the ones from the movies. It was night, and we ran into a warehouse to hide. We split up to try and get away, and I hid behind a row of shelves. All of a sudden part of the shelf started to move. I knew then that it was the predator, but it was disguised as a giant bunny! A giant bunny with one droopy ear, no face and a hole in it's head. It then used one of its predator weapons on me.

Artist's (my own) conception of what the Predator-Bunny looked like.

After everything that happened while I was asleep I'm glad I'm awake. But I haven't felt like I've been fully awake today. Hopefully jet-lag is gone soon.


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