Thursday, July 1, 2010

This is a dangerous time for you...

...when you will be tempted by the Dark Side of the Force deliciousness.

The dangerous time started last night. Recently Liz and I have been making these drinks. After dinner we decided to make one of them, and gathered together some fruit, in this case peaches, and some nectar, last night was mango. Previous times have included frozen berries and things like that in place of the peaches. We put in some coconut milk and blended it until it was no longer chunky. The resulting drink was tasty and fruitful. I like to think of them as chunkless blended fruit beverages, but Liz just calls them "smoothies". I think if they're going to take off though they need a catchier name, but probably one that's shorter than chunkless blended fruit beverages... Why would I say stupid junk like that? I guess the mango nectar is starting to have an effect me...

The true danger though came from Liz alone. She felt like baking, and worked up her own chocolate chip cookie recipe. 45 minutes after the baking mood struck her, I was 3 or 4 warm cookies deep and in trouble. Sensing my predicament, Liz wisely rationed the cookies. I had one more last night, and have another for a snack this afternoon. If it makes it that far.

Hey, did that cookie just look at me funny?!?


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