Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The bus: it's a strange 'place'

"I'm riding on the bus" - Monty Burns

Liz had to go somewhere for work today, so I bussed it to work and am currently bussing it home.

Sometimes, and I'm being completely serious here, I don't mind the bus. It is such an interesting place - the people are sometimes (often) crazy (I name them of course) and you hear and see some weird stuff. Laziness is also rampant - you don't need to catch the bus one block you lazy jerk!

What has really struck me today is the smell. This morning the bus smelled like the stuff that an exterminator/pest controller sprays. This afternoon it smells like a Bounty/Mounds chocolate bar (is Mounds right? Remembers slogan - Almond Joy has nuts, Mounds don't, yeah Mounds is right). Why does it smell like a delicious chocolate drenched coconut bar? (checks seat) I'm not sitting in anything...

Huh - it's gone. Back to regular bus scents. I'm really glad I don't have chocolate on my pants.


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