Superbowl Sunday was yesterday, which, to a person who follows football like I do, meant nothing different to any other Sunday.
The evening, however, did get off to an explosive start. We decided we would roast a chicken for dinner, and went about preparing it. We prepared it the way we normally do - I washed the chicken and we rubbed herbs on it. We inserted the meat thermometer like we normally do to monitor when the chicken is ready to take out. About 5 minutes into the baking/roasting, we heard a noise from the oven. On inspection we found that the glass covering the meat thermometer had exploded, covering the bottom of the roasting pan and some of the chicken in glass. But the Progressive Corporation and their conspirators' attempts to bring harm to Liz and I were thwarted by diligent picking up of glass. We just had to abandon our plans to make gravy with the pan juices. Damn you, Progressive Corporation! I have no idea what exactly we did to spark the ire of Progressive; I can only assume that one of us has discovered something that they feel needs to be kept quiet. That, or the thermometer was faulty.
You may have taken our gravy, Progressive, but you will have to try harder than that!
The next course was dessert, and we had an idea up our sleeves. Liz was at Tiff's place on Friday night/Saturday and brought home a cake. We picked up some Dark Chocolate Mints at the supermarket on Sunday and mixed them into a batch of coconut ice cream. Add chopped up mints and chocolate syrup to the cake and mint chip ice cream and, voila, Super Bowl Sundae. We then watched Clone Wars while eating it.
The good news about dessert? There is still more cake and ice cream, which means unlike that game of football, this Super Bowl Sundae has gone in to overtime. Yep - football pun.
It does mean though that I have the Baskin Robbins commercial in my head.
thanks. I've spend about half an hour watching all the ice cream and cake (and cake) videos on youtube.
The holiday version of the ad was on TV tonight. These ads rock!!!
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