During the week it rained for about 3 days straight. Then, come Thursday, it started snowing. It stopped snowing Friday afternoon. Liz had been given a snow day on Friday because the Audubon center was surrounded by 10 inches of snow, which was going to take the maintenance guy a long time to move. I went to work, but was allowed to leave at 4. Getting home with some sunlight left, I said to Liz "We should get outside...", "and build a snowman!!!" she finished.
We put on our snow clothes and headed to the front yard. We started rolling and packing and rolling and packing, the (rough) spheres getting bigger with each iteration. Once we had them the size we wanted we assembled our man, and then began fossicking for stones for his mouth, eyes and buttons. Luckily the driveway here, which was shoveled earlier in the day, is full of suitable rocks. We put in the eyes and buttons, Liz did it much easier than I did, and then we realized when we put in the 2 rocks for his mouth that they were both pointy. We had made a snow vampire! We put in his stick arms and threw on his scarf and hat, knowing that daylight was fast leaving us. We grabbed a couple of quick snaps, knowing that there was always tomorrow to hang out with the snow vampire.
As long as it didn't rain.
Or get really hot today.
Walking back into the apartment, I decided to take down an icicle that was hanging from the top deck - we wouldn't want it stabbing anyone.
The snow vampire was tucked in for the night, and the deck was safe from large icicle falls, so I went out and took a couple of photos before bed. It was quite nice outside - not cold at all...
But the fact that it wasn't too cold last night lost all significance to me. Today we went out and Liz got a haircut and we did the grocery shopping, all at a quite comfortable 41 (5) degrees. When we pulled into the driveway I noted that snow vampire seemed to be leaning backwards. We came upstairs and put the groceries away, and I looked out the front. He was definitely leaning, so Liz came over and looked. We walked away, and when I walked back with the camera 30 seconds later it was over. He was dead.
RIP Snow Vampire - 2/26/2010 - 2/27/2010.
The fall had separated his head from his torso and his torso from his base. Limbs were everywhere (well, 2 places). His eyes and buttons had fallen out. It was gruesome. But that's the life of a snow vampire. Snow men are susceptible enough to light and heat, so when you factor in that he was also a vampire, the odds were stacked against him.
It turned out that Liz and I weren't the only people who had building a snow creation in mind. Several people around the neighborhood had them in their yards (none as cool as the snow vampire), and I spotted these 2 working on something outside as well. Well one of them was working, the other was trying in vain to make "Snow Clone Angels", but his armor or construction wouldn't let his body move that way.
Eventually they finished, and quite ingeniously used the rifles as snow man arms.
Damn Snow Clones, I don't know what it is, but they get me every time.
You have clones troopers living in your street!??!?
Yes, yes we do. I expect I will take more snaps of them in the future. They occasionally crash on one of our tables.
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