This guy, our second who, walks the streets of Stamford. So many people that live or work in the city know who he is, but very few people, I would think, would know his real name.
Some people call him "Batman", but I can't see him taking on Catwoman, let alone The Joker. Plus, does he look like a scientist? Batman's a scientist. He probably gets the "Batman" moniker from the hat at left.
He wears the hats all the time. Well, they're not really hats so much as headbands with weird attachments to them. Sometimes they are bat wings, sometimes they are stars. Another time, they looked so much like reindeer antlers. Regardless of the attachments, they never cover the bald head.
He always seems to be carrying a bag with him, perhaps his equivalent of a utility belt. Maybe he carries his spare hat attachments in the bag, so he can change whenever the mood strikes him.
He often walks with his tongue hanging out.
I have also seen him wearing a skirt.
His name is Crazy Hat Man.
Actually I call him the king of stamford :)
Today they were angel wings...
That's it! A challenge has been set. There just HAS to be an Aussie equivalent of 'crazy hat man'. He will be sourced, photographed and perhaps they could strike a unique friendship.
That's not a hat!
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