Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hawk Watch

We went this afternoon to the Hawk Watch at Audubon. At the moment they are counting the hawks migrating south for the winter (damn, winter is coming again), and the lawn at Audubon Greenwich is a really good vantage point for the count.

We saw a lot of birds. Today, well by the time we left, they had spotted over 255 Broad-Winged Hawks, several Osprey, a couple of Kestrels, a Merlin (we were there when it flew over, it was pretty low, and it was cool as I hadn't seen a Merlin before). We also saw a couple of Bald Eagles, and also a very near flying Golden Eagle. The Golden Eagle was cool - it was enormous. There was a group of around 50 Broad-Wingeds kettling at one stage (all circling around in the air) which was cool to see. Sometimes thousands of birds will be in flocks that do it. That will probably happen tomorrow... ;)


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