- A keyboard - earlier this year Liz and I were talking about playing music, and I said that if I could play any instrument it would probably be the piano. So, she bought me a keyboard for Christmas. I'm looking forward to trying it out - though am also quite intimidated at the same time...
- A beginner's keyboard book - luckily, because I had no idea where to start...
- DVDs - The Dark Knight, Hot Rod, Inception (jointly with Liz) (all of which are great movies), and Liz also got me the entire first season (also called Book 1) of Avatar The Last Airbender!!!
- A slanket
- A lot of Star Wars stuff (an apron, pancake molds, ornaments)
- A Clapper (for the lights, according to Liz "They're not just for old people - they're for all lazy people!")
- A shirt from Ireland
- More stuff that I won't list because the list would get too long
On Sunday we made a quick run to the grocery store to get some food for dinners before the snow got too heavy. While there, a kid was climbing on a display, and their mother took them down of it. I looked down where the kid was climbing to see the item I was looking for! Still looking at the shelf, the lady looked at me strangely, like I had been watching her child suspiciously or something. I explained:
Russell: "Thanks! I was actually looking for that (pointed) and didn't know where it was!"
Lady (in thick accent): "You're from South Africa, too?"
Russell: "No, I'm Australian..."
Lady: "Well, they're all pretty much the same!"
Russell: "Hahahaha"
Note: I actually said "Hahahaha" instead of laughing. That was when I walked away.
Now, to the meat of the post. You'll notice later that that was a very punny statement to make.
We had ham as part of our Christmas dinner. It was absolutely delicious. Everyone knows that I think bacon is great, but the pig really needs to be given credit - it produces a lot of tastiness. When we were cleaning up, Andrew noticed a piece of ham sitting in the ham drippings/run-off. He ate it, and told me how delicious it was. I took some ham and dipped it in there. It was amazing - it was like ham coated in ham. So I took the run off and put it in the fridge. I decided I would dub it "Ham Concentrate".
The next day Liz and I were heating up some left overs for lunch, so I took out the Ham Concentrate and noticed that all the fat from it had settled on the surface. I scooped off the fat and noticed that the remaining Ham Concentrate was now like a jelly. I took some out and put it on top of the ham, peas and carrots and then put it in the oven. It was incredible - ham coated peas and carrots and hammy ham.
Tonight we made pizza for dinner. The plan was to make pizza for dinner last week, but the night we were going to, Friday, was Christmas Eve and we were busy and didn't get around to making dinner. So, I decided to modify last week's pineapple and onion pizza idea. Sure, ham and pineapple is a classic and the obvious choice here, but with the ham supplies dwindling in the fridge and the rest frozen, I reached again for the Ham Concentrate. I spooned some into a small pan and heated it over a low heat to get it liquidy again. I then put the pineapple and onion in there. A word of warning, though. Even though I dubbed it Ham Concentrate, it works best if you use a lot of it. Three spoons wasn't enough to flavor the pineapple and onion. Or, perhaps it works best on things that don't have much taste of their own or something.
So, next time you bake a ham, remember the Ham Concentrate. You'll be glad you did.
In case people wanted to see, here is a slideshow of pictures from the last few days, featuring Christmas, snow and Ham Concentrate.