Recently with cold weather and snow fall (
photos here) we have been doing more and more inside, particularly TV watching. We've watched all the episodes so far of FlashForward, we're 9 2/3 seasons through Friends, 4 episodes into Star Wars: The Clone Wars on DVD and have started watching Seinfeld.
But not all of the tv shows we have been watching are on DVD. Earlier this week I looked at Liz while watching one of them and said to her,
"I think I'm addicted to Ninja Warrior..."
Ninja Warrior is the American name for the Japanese show "Sasuke", and features contestants trying to make their way through 4 stages of obstacles. I first saw it when Marc (Hampton/Horse) visited a few months ago, but then rediscovered it recently.
There is also Women of Ninja Warrior (all women competitors) and American Ninja Warrior (which showed American qualification rounds and then the top 10 people going to Japan to compete in Ninja Warrior). I haven't watched Women of Ninja Warrior, so I can't comment on it. American Ninja Warrior was OK, but wasn't as good as the Japanese original. It was full of free runners and stunt men, where the Japanese original has fire men, students and all walks of life represented. One of my favorite competitors was a gas station manager who competed in his gas station manager hat.
The commentary on the show is also awesome. Commentary such as:
"I do Ninja Warrior, therefore I am",
"... the epitome of living muscle",
"can he finally reel in the final stage and bring it on board?".
They also show bios on some of the competitors. There was a school custodian on one episode, and they showed him fixing things and also scrubbing a urinal.
I like the spirit of competition, everyone cheers each other on. The competitors never look like they are competing against each other; they all realize that they are competing against the course and not one another.
Here is a YouTube video of a guy doing well and going all the way through the 4 stages. The competitor has been on a few competitions I have seen - he is a fishing boat captain. I like him as a competitor. I have also seen videos of him helping other people when they aren't sure about an obstacle.
Of course on a show like this you are bound to find stacks.
This post would have been made about an hour ago, but Ninja Warrior was on.